I’m looking forward to taking this seminar, Writing “Spooky” Stories for Younger Readers, on Feb. 27th, 2023. It’s by the awesome Jennifer Brody through the Horror Writer’s Association. I’ve signed up and am looking forward to attending. It fully online too. Here’s the HWA’s blurb on this exciting seminar.

HWA recognizes the value of horror literature for all ages, but writing for younger readers has several craft tools that differ slightly from writing adult/mature horror. Middle Grade and YA literature are one of the fastest growing areas for publishing—and kids love spooky stories. There’s a reason that RL Stine’s Goosebumps is one of the bestselling book series of all time. These books are considered especially great for reaching reluctant readers and reading regardless of genre; studies show that it’s one of the best things for child development. This workshop will contain craft talks and tips for writing horror for younger readers, followed by in-class writing exercises to practice capturing voice and tone—and draft a scare sequence. By the end of the workshop, participants should have all the basic components and craft tools to write their own story or novel opening targeted at younger readers.