My initials are L.A. but I go by Lu most of the time (or Dr. Lu – yes I am a Dr. just not the medical kind). Over my lifetime I’ve lived on both east and west coasts of the United States. Having worked many years in the entertainment industry, I have developed an interest in various types of creative writing, especially paranormal and fantasy. I have won awards for writing including the National Educational Film and Video Festival, WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival, and the New York Film Festival. I have been nominated for the James Kirkwood Literary Prize.
I’m a member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, as well as a senior member of the Society for Technical Communication and Founder of the SCBWI LaCanada/Montrose critique group for middle grade and young adult literature. I am also an active member of the Horror Writer’s Association. I have a Master’s degree from Wesleyan, a certificate in creative writing from UCLA, and am a graduate of the UCLA Master class in novel writing in fiction.
I’ve been a student and scholar in business, information systems, and the arts. Along the way, I have won awards for my writing and I have attended a number of institutions in pursuit of various interrelationships between quantitative and qualitative knowledge relating sciences to the arts. Currently, I teach two classes, Advanced Technical Communication and Information Design at California State University Dominguez Hills and I work as a professional writer (business & technical). I’ve worked on both Academy Award-winning films and Emmy Award-winning television shows. Feature film credits include Beowulf, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, Curious George, Arthur Christmas, and Hotel Transylvania.
Current areas of interest in fiction include middle grade (scary stories, adventure, speculative), young adult, and fantasy.